Friday, October 15, 2010

Is Dan Pro-Life? Pro-Choice? ....Or just Pro-Dan?

Dan Debicella refers to himself (aaall the time) as a 'fiscal conservative and a social moderate'. He certainly has strong views and many people would disagree with him.

Unfortunately for Dan, he himself seems to be one of those people.

Here's Dan on Ideas At Work and Beyond, July 8th 2010:

I’m personally pro-life, but I don’t want the government forcing my beliefs on other people. And quite frankly, I hope that we can do away with abortion. I hope that, given where birth control is today, that we get rid of all unwanted pregnancies because it’s a horrible thing for a woman to go through. But I firmly believe that I don’t want government telling women what to do with their bodies, and just because I’m personally pro-life I’m not going to force that on other people.

A few weeks later, a less conservative audience, a whole new view...!

Here's Dan on the Lisa Wexler show, September 6th 2010:

The relevant section starts at 42:13 when Debicella said:

"And this is something that is obviously very very controversial. I'm personally pro-choice, so I actually do believe that every woman has a right to an abortion. The question becomes, do you want tax dollars going to pay for it when our country is pretty much so split 50/50 between pro-choice and pro-life. So this is an area, where I think as we move forward with trying to reduce spending this is an area we can look at to say, if people want to get abortions - everybody should have the right to, but let's not force tax payers who don't believe in it to actually fund it."

Is Dan ever going to make his mind up? Or is he just going to keep saying whatever his audience wants to hear? Unless he's voting to deny emergency contraception to rape victims based on these same undecided 'principals'..

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