Monday, October 18, 2010

Phantom, barely-legal attack ads... Something to share Debicella?

A shadowy, right-wing extremist group called the American Action Network is taking advantage of a loophole in campaign finance laws and running factually incorrect ads against both Jim Himes and Chris Murphy.

The group is anonymously funded and is attempting to take over the elections by promoting corporate special interests.

There is no way of knowing which organizations funded the ads and the considerable airtime in which they are being run.

One thing we do know is that the group is headed by Fred Malek, who is a former Nixon official with a record of fraudulent and anti-Semitic behavior. He has previously been fined $250,000 by the Connecticut Exchange Commission after voting Connecticut pension laws. In the Nixon White House, he led the effort to remove Jewish employees from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Nice guy...

Who is funding these ads???

Surely all candidates, from any side of the political spectrum, should be denouncing this sort of electoral-law-dodging? It might be technically legal, but its hardly the sort of issues-based politics the voters deserve...

Ok, so this is isn't STRICTLY a Debicella Deception - but there's no way he's not aware of a group so outrageously attacking his opponent. There can be no proof of his involvement, as the very nature of this group makes it unaccountable, undemocratic and utterly against voter interests.

American Action Network is headed by Fred Malek, a former Nixon Administration official with a record of anti-Semitic and fraudulent behavior. While an employee in the Nixon White House, Malek led the effort to remove Jewish employees from their positions at the Bureau of Labor Statistics. He also paid $250,000 in fines to the Security and Exchange Commission for violating Connecticut pension laws.

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